Saturday, April 10, 2010

Top Ten Signs of Spring at Shobacres

10. Chester is INCREDIBLY DIRTY and requires a bath before any social interaction inside the Shobode.
9. Chuck spends a whole week watching the Masters.
8. Christine haunts all the local garden centres.
7. Chuck wrestles the ride-on mower into the old pickup to deliver the mover for its yearly tuneup to Bruce's Small Engine Repair.
6. Chester rolls in something OFFENSIVE and requires a bath before any social interaction inside the Shobode.
5. Christine inspects every plant in the garden and anxiously awaits signs of life and/or actual growth.
4. Dandelions pop up fully grown and blooming in every part of the property.
3. Christine buys new plants to put somewhere on the property,
2. Heather and Peter work in Heather's garden and come up with yet another strategy for improvement (this year it is no tilling and a chicken tractor.)
1. Chester rolls in something INTOLERABLY DISGUSTING and requires a bath before even being allowed to enter the Shobode.

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